27 February World Painters Day!

 In the eTwinning project Mobility of Local Art Values, we have chosen "27 February World Painters Day" as the special day of February. To celebrate this day, each partner explained 3 painters of their own country and their paintings via slides. All slides were studied with students. Thus, students had the opportunity to get to know dozens of painters from different civilizations.

Please click the links below to access the slides:

1. Turkeyhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KfYFAMHaFiAetrEwZ3LtQR-RcGpLsKX0K4AryAvduvk/edit?usp=sharing


2. Greecehttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yAnwcChNIwtlpsboFvHmOtia8nAy-6tuh5SGqEL3Svs/edit#slide=id.p

3. Italyhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yAnwcChNIwtlpsboFvHmOtia8nAy-6tuh5SGqEL3Svs/edit?usp=sharing

4.Croatia:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hwNyhjaA0WsqslHw7iTsGvVrQgjDVOz2Y2UPN2J6sM8/edit#slide=id.g116496277d0_4_0


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